
Friday, 15 August 2014

A bird loving girl

'The astonished woodpecker', WC resist, mixed media paper. 12 by 9 ins.

I like the resist technique for my people with animal series ...I want to explore it further..perhaps exploring resists using different colour and paper combinations.  I used mixed media paper here and perhaps a true WC paper would give a different... maybe better result.  I would like try a combination of the more muted earth colours some time.  Here I used ultramarine, lemon and alizarin cirmson.

I chose the lemon because one of the birds looked like canary.  I chose crimson and ultramarine because they give reasonable darks.

I got a free trial sample (dots on a page) of some new 'desert' colours from Winsor & Newton which look interesting, especially their transparent orange.

I bought 3 of the new W & N watercolour sticks to try out.  They may be useful for adding  texture effects to artworks.  I found them rather useful for making small doodle drawings.  Indeed, the painting above came about from using the WC sticks on an ATC size (3.5 by 2.5ins) piece of paper.  I sized the drawing up to 12 by 9 ins.

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