
Thursday, 30 May 2019

Art journal pages: faces.

Art journal pages.

 'Fun with faces', 8 by 8 ins., journal page.

 'Anger', emotions online workshop page.

 'Awe at beauty',emotions online workshop page.

'Satisfied', emotions online workshop page.

I joined an online workshop on expressing emotions last weekend, run by everything-art.  The last three 'faces' were made for that workshop.  

I decided to keep to the faces theme for my own journal page, shown in the top image, where I made little faces using the technique of not lifting the pen from the page as you contour line a scribbley face.  It was fun to do.

Other than this, the only other art-related thing I did was a visit to the local museum to see a display of historical puppets.  Here are some I saw there:-

Bye for now.


Valerie-Jael said...

Love the faces, and the mueum of puppets is great fun. Have a nice evening, Valerie

sirkkis said...

Love your fun faces so expressive 😍
Thanks for sharing the puppets.
Happy PPF and weekend 🌹

Jennifer Rose said...

*runs away from creepy puppets lol