
Thursday, 11 July 2019

Using a kid's book as an art journal.

Art Journal.

 Stage 1: the book I bought to use as a journal.

 Stage 2: the abstract phase of collage and paint marks.  Double page spread.

Stage 3: some imagery.

Recently, I found this kid's book - Mr Gumpy's motor car'- on sale for a few pence at my local library.  It is not in the best condition,,,, but that makes it perfect for art journalling.  I find that a pristine new sketchbook is intimidating for journalling... as many artists do!

I joined a free online workshop given by Jenny Grant, Swedish artist, on journalling over the weekend and this page spread was my work from that class.

Jenny's website

She focused on the path of journalling and not the outcome as being the goal.

It kind of got me interested in using a more limited palette and maybe stopping my work at a more abstract, non figurative stage in the art....To stop at the second step above and not always take it to a more figurative stage as I did in step 3.

Do you ever do pure abstract in your journal?

Bye for now.

Link to PPF



Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely idea, and it's always good to have an old book as basis. And Jenny is right, the path is so important! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

R's Rue said...

Very lovely.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

The path really is the foundation to journaling and old books are a great way to give us a backdrop to help our imagination flourish. Have fun June it's what it's all about.
Creative Hugs Tracey x

sirkkis said...

You have great ideas, June. A creative interpretation!
Happy PPF and weekend xx

Jean said...

This is just wonderful! I love how you reused this book!

Linda Kunsman said...

Creating in a printed book can be such fun. I haven't worked in an altered book in ages. I don't mind blank journals. And yes, I will do all styles in my journals- not one is dedicated to anything specific, and I like having several going at the same time:) Love your art here! Happy PPF!

Sarah Leonard said...

This is wonderful and has so much emotion in it. I love the idea of re-purposing an old book. I often paint on vintage manuscript music paper too. Happy PPF from No 17 :D

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

That's a gorgeous spread you created! I've heard of using old books for journaling, but have never tried it. Happy PPF!

Powell River Books said...

What a great idea. I would like to see more about how you did it. - Margy

Jennifer Rose said...

at college i would paint abstracts since thats what they really liked, now I'd rather stick to realism

and good idea to use the kids book, i see so much great art made from books that don't get read anymore

DVArtist said...

I love how you transformed these pages. said...

I have used old books in the past but not recently. I've also tried abstract but I don't think I'm very good at it so my work is usually more figurative. Nice work.

Gillena Cox said...

Very interesting


Beth Niquette said...

What a fabulous idea!!! I am inspired.

Abigail Davidson said...

That is fascinating transforming it from one story to another - beautiful style too - very inspiring! said...

Love the abstract!